Monday 22 September 2014

Dog Safety

Today Kelly and Phoenix came to visit Bulls School to educate us about how to stay safe around dogs.  We learnt:

1. We have to ask permission before patting a dog- check its sweet before you meet. If the dogs on its own, leave it alone. 
2. Let dog smell back of your hand pat dog on the back - not face. 
3. Chin or chest is best
4. Meet a pup ask a grown up.
5. If a dog has a snack keep back.
6. Keep your face out of our space.
7. Don't run and stout it freaks us out. Stand still, hands down, don't look in eyes, slowly move to the side - never ever turn your back, turn and slowly back away.  Don't scream.
8. A dogs not a toy don't tease or annoy. 
9. Quiet and slow is the way to go. 

You can tell a lot by a dogs.  It the tail is up, the dog is happy.  If the tail is between its legs, it is frightened.

Check out the pictures of Phoenix - she could even sing! 


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